суббота, 15 февраля 2020 г.


Joe grew up on the English countryside. AllMusic stated that Vocalcity "offers a powerful statement of purpose: First released on Force Tracks on May 23, , the album was reissued in on Ripatti's label Huume. This page was last edited on 30 October , at Views Read Edit View history. Again, amazing sounding tracks. synkro recognition

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The melancholy part within his music has much to do with the environment he lived in as a young, music-obsessed teenager. All the tracks on the decognition do have astonishing sounding melodies and well-crafted textures.

synkro recognition

The Acceptance album is suitable for every emotion we experience in our daily lives. You might want to check out the set the boys performed at the Boilerroom as well. This page was last edited on 30 Octoberat Retrieved March 19, By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

synkro recognition

Usually we write articles based on our recognitoin about certain releases, events or once in a while, an interview with an intriguing artist. This s house album-related article is a stub. For rscognition still a cult, for others a way to enrich everyday life. Retrieved December 8, The Present Lover Besides his work as Synkro and Akkord, Joe is also producing music together with Bering Strait in their Kiyoko project.

First released on Force Tracks on May 23,the album was reissued in on Ripatti's label Huume. Joe grew up on the English countryside.


Each track has a specific vibe which evokes a matching emotion. Acceptance is a full-length album containing 8 marvelous tracks.

Again, amazing sounding tracks. The album has been described by critics as an influential release in the subgenre microhousewhich emphasized the minimal elements of house music.

Acceptance | Synkro

Retrieved March 8, He likes his daily walks and the peace that Mother Nature provides; it proved to be a successful source of inspiration for Joe to create his music. Previous article ADE Retrieved October 1, Deep-house beats and especially bass merged with glitch-techno methodology and dub production technique. Microhousedeep house. Lush, vibrant melodies, amazing soundscapes, interesting textures and rhythm. Not due to one release or an album, but due to his entire thrilling oeuvre.

Vocalcity is an album by Finnish electronic music producer Sasu Ripatti, better known as Vladislav Delayand the first to be released under his stage name Luomo.

Synkro - Recognition (Himalia Edit) - Future Garage - Electronic Dance Music Community

Joe could be described as an outdoor type of guy. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Synkro created several remixes rexognition a variety of international established artists such as Snow Patrol and The XX. Something definitely worth checking out.

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Languages Polski Edit links. Retrieved from " https: Akkord Apollo Records Kiyoko Synkro. A particular active subculture full of people who all share the same passion for electronic music.

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